Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Biblical Mandate for Missions

Isaiah is littered with the biblical mandate for missions!

For example in chapter twelve, “LORD we are thankful and we will worship only you. We will tell the nations how glorious you are and what you have done!” One would assume this came right out of the New Testament however it was written 700 years before Christ! This is the answer to what the Bible says about would missions and why we should; because we are thankful and as an act of worship to our creator we will tell the world of what he has done!

This mandate is rooted in the very character of God. God has revealed Himself as a seeking missionary God. He is the God of creation and redemption. He is the God of the universe and the God of salvation for mankind. He has created human beings with the potential to know Him and serve His purposes. He has placed in the life of every human being the distinctive feature known biblically as the “image of God.”
John, in one particular chapter shares that there will be a future judgment (5:28-30), but it is already active now (5:22-23), so the believer is beyond the judgment (5:24-27). He is concerned that we understand who Jesus is as well as the eschatological realities present in his ministry. Those who have experienced the reality of the gift of the Father, the supremacy of the Son and the eschatological reality of passing from death to life (cf. 5:24)--have received the good news. Then, near the end of his gospel, John will make the point that those who enter this reality are commissioned themselves to share it (20:21-22).

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