Wednesday, November 28, 2012

An invitation to mission

You were not placed on earth to do nothing or just live for yourself. God invites you to participate in what he is doing in the world. Whenever you see God at work, its an invitation to join Him.

 "The Book of Acts records the earliest steps in the spread of Christianity from the central point of
Jerusalem outward like radiated light into the lands beyond. “And you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). How comfortable to think that the proclamation begins at home (we do, after all, refer to our “home church” when we speak.) But how uncomfortable to be told that the proclamation must be taken to those we consider so unlike us, those not a part of our culture and values, those we otherwise avoid because they are “unclean” (our modern day “samaritans”). If we could but stay at home with our proclamation, we could nestle into a preoccupation with doing the practices and rituals of the church. When we are asked to take the message beyond home, we are being asked to risk and to change. Yet it is our duty and delight “as each has received a gift, (to) employ it for one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace"  1 Peter 4:10

So evangelism is not programmatic marketing techniques, but rather it is pragmatic interactions
with others as Christ’s loving relationship with his church is lived out in his sisters and brothers
here on earth. How do we, the ecclesia, the church, live out this practical understanding of
evangelism as an ongoing outgrowth of right relationships? It is then that we will truly be living
the good message, evangelism.
We should want the Lord’s Kingdom to be realized now! In us! In our words and deeds! In other
words, in the relationships we establish with others. Evangelism is the good message of Jesus.
Christ manifesting not just in our breath, but also in flesh and bone, in our very being! But what
is to be manifested in us?
John gives us insight when he records Jesus’ charge to his disciples as he prepares to leave them,
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for others.” (John 13:35)
Love of others is a key element for our identity as Christ’s messengers. So Christian evangelism
can be nothing other than relational, and within the scriptures relationships are to be lived out
rightly or righteously. Righteousness means right relationships, and relationships must be lived

O God, bring to our minds and hearts the conviction that our lives are not about ourselves, but about you and the Kingdom that you are drawing together. May we see beyond our own experience,
and experience instead the saving work you are doing through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, among all the peoples of the earth. Amen.


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