Monday, December 3, 2012

Kingdom of God has entered

The Word of God does indeed teach that there will be an intensification of evil at the end of the Age, for Satan remains the god of This Age. But we must strongly emphasize that God has not abandoned This Age to the Evil One. In fact, the Kingdom of God has entered into This Evil Age; Satan has been defeated. The Kingdom of God, in Christ, has created the Church, and the Kingdom of God works in the world through the Church to accomplish the divine purposes of extending His Kingdom in the world. We are caught up in a great struggle—the conflict of the ages. God's Kingdom works in this world through the power of the Gospel. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come.'

We have discovered that the Kingdom of God is God's reign defeating His enemies, bringing people into the enjoyment of the blessings of the divine reign. We have found that God's reign is accomplished in three great acts so that we might say that the Kingdom comes in three stages. The third and final victory occurs at the end of the Millennium when death, Satan, sin are finally destroyed and the Kingdom is realized in its ultimate perfection. A second victory occurs at the beginning of the Millennium when Satan is to be chained in the bottomless pit. Apparently, however, sin and death continue throughout this period, for death is not cast into the lake of fire until the end of the Millennium.
An initial manifestation of God's Kingdom is found in the mission of our Lord on earth. Before The Age to Come, before the millennial reign of Christ, the Kingdom of God has entered into This present evil Age here and now in the person and work of Christ. We may therefore now experience its power; we may know its life; we may enter into a participation of its blessings. If we have entered into the enjoyment of the blessings of God's Kingdom, our final question is, What are we to do as a result of these blessings ? Are we passively to enjoy the life of the Kingdom while waiting for the consummation at the return of the Lord? Yes, we are to wait, but not passively.

The Gospel of the Kingdom is the announcement of Christ's conquest over death. We have discovered that while the consum­mation of this victory is future when death is finally cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20: 14), Christ has nevertheless already defeated death. Speaking of God's grace, Paul says that it has now been "manifested through the appearing of our Saviour Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel" (II Tim. 1: 10). The word here translated "abolish" does not mean to do away with, but to defeat, to break the power, to put out of action. The same Greek word is used in I Corinthians 15: 26, "The last enemy to be destroyed is death." This word appears also in I Corinthians 15: 24, " Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power."

The Gospel of the Kingdom is the announcement of what God has done and will do. It is His victory over His enemies. It is the Good News that Christ is coming again to destroy for ever His enemies. It is a gospel of hope. It is also the Good News of what God has already done. He has already broken the power of death, defeated Satan, and overthrown the rule of sin. The Gospel is one of promise but also of experience, and the promise is grounded in experience. What Christ has done guarantees what He will do. This is the Gospel which we must take into all the world.

We have discovered that Christ has already defeated Satan. The victory of God's Kingdom is not only future; a great initial victory has taken place. Christ partook of flesh and blood—He became incarnate—"that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage" (Heb. 2: 14-15). The word translated "destroy" is the same word found in II Tim. i: 10; I Cor. 15: 24 and 26. Christ has nullified the power of death; he has also nullified the power of Satan. Satan still goes about like a roaring lion bringing persecution upon God's people (I Pet. 5: 8); he insinuates himself like an angel of light into religious circles (II Cor. 11: 14). But he is a defeated enemy. His power, his domination has been broken. His doom is sure. A decisive, the decisive, victory has been won. Christ cast out demons, delivering men from satanic bondage, proving that God's Kingdom delivers men from their enslavement to Satan. It brings them out of darkness into the saving and healing light of the Gospel. This is the Good News about the Kingdom of God. Satan is defeated, and we may be released from demonic fear and from satanic evil and know the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

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