Saturation means to fill up one substance with the greatest possible amount of another substance; to soak thoroughly.
Church means the called out ones. Those called out of sin and the world. Those who have been called out of the kingdom of darkness and called into the Kingdom of God. Church also means the called together ones. Wherever two or more of the called believers are together in Jesus' name, they constitute a local church.
Planting means placing a seed or seedling into the ground that it may grow into maturity.
The redemptive dimension of the Christian message and its role in inculturation implies all that the transformation of the cross means. Incarnation always points to the Cross and the Resurrection. Redemption is won through the power of the Father raising up Jesus on the third day. This central Christological dimension is essential to the understanding of inculturation as the transformation of a people and its culture. The people and their culture is called to die and rise with Christ in order to become a Christian people: a Christian culture.
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