Friday, January 18, 2013


Our priority is seeing disciple making in every people group of the world. Evangelism is not enough. Teaching others to observe all that Jesus has commanded (Matthew 28:20) must be an ongoing process. When Ralph Winter brought this idea of unreached people groups to the attention of the first Lausanne Congress in 1974, there were an estimated 16,750 groups. There are now just 2,365 groups with populations of more than 5,000 that remain unengaged. Not all of the groups that have been engaged are reached.  

Our priority is to concentrate on where the Church is NOT. 

Every part of the world is called to go to every part of the world. No country is exempt from sending and no country is exempt from receiving. There is no room for triumphalism. Our lives should be characterized by obedience to God, servanthood to one another, and humility with grace. No sanctified business plans or entrepreneurial ventures can replace the supreme importance of His blessing.

We believe that living out our faith is an absolute imperative. Every believer should be a humble reflection of Jesus. Our message is hollow if our lives do not back up the words we speak. The Holy Spirit is still the source of our power. And, we need to be sure we are living lives that are holy and pure.

We believe that loving one another and working together should be the standard of the Church. God has given each person and organization unique gifts and callings. We should honour those callings. But all of us can give some percentage of our time and resources to work together on the priorities of the whole Body of Christ.  

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